India’s Skill Council for Green Jobs: Upskilling workers for green transition

India addressed nationwide demand for manpower in green jobs through SCGJ, working with 400 affiliated institutions to train over 500,000 candidates since 2015.

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India’s ambitious renewable energy target of 450GW by 2030 is expected to create a surge of investments in the sector, representing an important opportunity for job creation. The country's shift to a green economy is predicted to add 3 million jobs in the renewables sector alone by 2030.

At the same time, this momentum creates a need to address India's shortage of skilled workers for emerging clean technologies and other green sectors.


In October 2015, India established the Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ), a non-profit organisation mandated to identify skilling needs in the green jobs sectors. Backed by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the Confederation of Indian Industry, SCGJ is mandated to identify skilling needs in the green jobs sectors, and to design and implement a wide range of capacity building and skilling programmes to support India’s green transition.

The training is linked to the Government’s key clean energy and industrial objectives, and aims to encompass all stages of training, design and delivery. By 2022, SCGJ had trained over 500,000 candidates through more than 400 affiliated institutions/training centres. Organisers state that these numbers are expected to double by 2030.

Find out more: International Energy Agency (p14-16)