In Spain, the state energy model WHICH IS WHAT? , the economic and labour difficulties in paying bills, and the problems arising from poor insulation or situations of energy dependency have been a long-running challenges. In 2015, the Spanish Government launched Act 24/2015, which guarantees access to light, water and gas as basic rights for everyone. However, people in lower-income families are sometimes unaware of, or unable to, exercise these rights. Energy and water supply cuts kept on happening, despite the obligation of energy supply companies to maintain services for people in situations of residential exclusion.
This situation prompted the Barcelona City Council to make energy poverty reduction one of its political objectives.
In 2017, the city of Barcelona launched the Energy Advice Points (EAP) initiative aiming to upgrade the energy efficiency of homes in Barcelona, with a focus on the most vulnerable households. This free municipal service aims to offer the information, attention, and intervention necessary for people to exercise their energy rights and stop companies from denying them access to basic utilities, driven by the philosophy that green energy transition can only occur when social equality and social benefits are guaranteed.
There are 12 EAPs spread in the city to provide vulnerable households with information and support. In addition, the programme hired 32 long-term unemployed people trained as energy advisers in a previous pilot project “Energia la Justa”. The service also hires 20 professionals with limited access to the labour market annually, with 2 months of training and are employed for 10 months. 80% of the professionals have successfully returned to the job market after participating in the programme.
As of 2022, every month these EAPs advise 2500 citizens; regularise 50 supplies; protect 600 citizens by law 24/2015; save 100kW of electrical power.
Find out more: European Commission